Showing posts with label Scientic Breakthrough. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Scientic Breakthrough. Show all posts

Do You Have Text Neck? Fix It Before It Becomes Worse!

Considering that the Philippines could very well be the Gadget Capital of the World - for the most obvious reasons, it wouldn't be hard...
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CarbTrim Iced Tea Blocks Carbohydrates, Helps You Lose Weight?

I think scientific breakthroughs are made possible by advancements in technology (or is it the other way around? Anyway.) so this definitely...
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Too Much Twitter and Facebook Turns Users Into Self-Obssessed 'Mini Celebrities'?!

"What concerns me is the banality of so much that goes out on Twitter. Why should someone be interested in what someone else has had fo...
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Too Much Facebook Causes Narcissism and Other Disorders, Says New Study

A very recent study has shown that spending too much time on Facebook can cause Narcissism . What's Narcissism Exactly? According...
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LG Optimus Black Features World's Brightest NOVA Display

Reduced power consumption and bright display rarely - if at all - go together in smartphones. Yet, this combination is exactly what the ultr...
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LG Optimus 2X : The World's First Dual Core Smartphone, According to Guinness Book of World Records

It's not everyday that your money can buy you a Guinness World Record Holder of a smartphone. Usually, having such an honor means tha...
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Vicki Belo's New Vagina Tightening Machine Needs a Name!

The latest addition to Belo Medical Group's arsenal of beauty-and-physique-enhancing-equipment, a vagina tightening machine , needs a na...
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Starbucks, No Smoking Zone Starting June 27, 2011

TechPinas Public Service Post (TP PSP): I know that a lot of TP friends, geeks and techies actually see Starbucks (or any cafe, for that ...
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A Real-Life Magneto : Magnetic Croatian Boy Baffles Scientists

Little Ivan's talent has scientists scratching their heads. Tagged by some as a real-life Magneto, the 6-year-old Croatian boy can a...
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Proud Men More Sexually Attractive Than Smiling Men, Says Research

Does smiling make a man more attractive to women? Not quite, says a study. Research findings on the sexual attractiveness of displays of...
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Extinct Mammal Shows Up Alive! Poses for the Camera!

Earlier this month, a mammal thought to be extinct for 113 years suddenly showed up at the front door of an ecolodge in Colombia... alive! ...
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Mosquito Bite Fight: Mosquito Repellent Gadget Helps Fight Dengue?! Out in Sulit!

Dengue cases rose from 33,201 last year to a whopping 62,503 this year given the same 8-month period (covering January to July). No other ...
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The Dukan Diet - Most Popular Diet Program of 2010, Based on Google Insights for Search Data

Another cool tip for internet marketers and bloggers - like me - who are starting pack on the pounds and accumulate fat in the tummy area du...
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Filipino Students Win at Intel International Science and Engineering Fair 2010

"There was definitely a lot of pressure but we believe it's also a very wonderful and unique pre-college experience for anyone, e...
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Technological advancements benefit not only the electronics and internet industry but also all other branches of science -- medicine include...
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Filipino Microbiologist, Rhoel Dinglasan , Discovers New Malaria Vaccine !!

Because Filipinos tend to excel in whatever field they are in. Rhoel Dinglasan , a Pinoy postdoctoral fellow in Molecular Microbiology a...
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Entire Genetic Code of Skin Cancer and Lung Cancer Mapped ! Major Scientific Breakthrough !

For the first time since the birth of genetics, scientists were able to map the abnormal genetic code of skin and lung cancer. Definitely ...
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