March is Women's Month : Celebrating The Great Women in My Life with WeChat
I don't think I'll ever be shy to admit that I'm a lola's boy. Coming from a middle class Pinoy family, both my parents had to work when I was growing up. My lola - I call her Nanay Sinang - took it upon herself to take care of me while my mom and dad were trying to make money so we could live a decent life. During my kindergarten and early elementary school days, my grandmother was usually the one who would pick me up from school, cook merienda for me, and force me to take my afternoon nap. I love her and I miss her so much.
I'm also a mama's boy. But I'm a mama's boy not because my mother buys me everything that I want or that she's the one who makes all the big decisions for me. I'm a mama's boy in the sense that I look up to my mom as a figure of inspiration. For me, she's a woman who has it all: her career, her passion for cooking, and her family. Looking back, what I really appreciate about her - apart from the days when she would take a leave from work to take care of me when I'm sick - is that she and my dad did the best they could to send me and my brother to the best schools in the country -- even if it's beyond what they have afforded. She really wanted the best for me and my brother and that's something that I will take with me if and when I become a parent myself.
Needless to say, I have some amazing women who have helped mold me into the man that I have become. And I'm sure that For most of us, every day is completed by women who encompass a number of roles in our lives - from moms who continue to care for us with kid gloves on to sisters who double as our best friends.
To celebrate these amazing individuals, social mobile app WeChat rolls out a surprise just in time for Women's History Month observed throughout March and International Women's Day commemorated during March 8. Read on as we recount the many personalities of the ladies in your lives and help you match each one with WeChat's new set of stickers available via its Sticker Shop.
Miss Sweetness Alive
Refined in nature and as charming as the female protagonists in children's storybooks and just like my grandmother, these women are built with warmth and without a single b|tch bone in their bodies. Their innate ability to make others feel comfortable makes them the go-to people for sound pieces of advice and just about any conversation that hits close to home. Spot them on WeChat Moments sharing quick DIY posts or motivational photos for everyone's dose of TLC.
Miss Live Wire
These are the alpha females, the go-getters, and the starters whose prowess to soldier on often wins the day. Born with equal amounts of energy and blood pumping in their veins, they are the epitome of this year's theme for International Women's Day: Inspiring Change. An ideal match for this group's get-up-and-go attitude is WeChat's Group Chat feature, which lets them rally multiple contacts and circles--up to 100 people in two chat groups--in one go.
Miss Get Happy
Radical in the way they act and always able to churn out inventive thoughts, this group is comprised of people who never fail to raise spirits up with their lightheartedness, infectious laughter, and sunny disposition. In the spirit of painting the town happy, this bunch can count on WeChat to easily surprise friends through picker-uppers in the form of Hold-to-Talk voice notes and video calls. The Miss Get Happy in my life is definitely my mother.
Miss Atlas Trouper
Ever mobile and fueled by a growing range of influences, these women are the natural wanderers of the world. Breaking through boundaries is where it's at for these folks and hitting the road is their way of responding to their internal quests. Easily detectable, atlas troupers are the first ones to use WeChat's location-sharing and discovery features such as Shake, Friend Radar, and People Nearby to mark their lives' checkpoints while looping in their social groups.
Cheers to all the incredible women who make this world a better place! Happy Women's History Month, everyone!

I'm also a mama's boy. But I'm a mama's boy not because my mother buys me everything that I want or that she's the one who makes all the big decisions for me. I'm a mama's boy in the sense that I look up to my mom as a figure of inspiration. For me, she's a woman who has it all: her career, her passion for cooking, and her family. Looking back, what I really appreciate about her - apart from the days when she would take a leave from work to take care of me when I'm sick - is that she and my dad did the best they could to send me and my brother to the best schools in the country -- even if it's beyond what they have afforded. She really wanted the best for me and my brother and that's something that I will take with me if and when I become a parent myself.

Needless to say, I have some amazing women who have helped mold me into the man that I have become. And I'm sure that For most of us, every day is completed by women who encompass a number of roles in our lives - from moms who continue to care for us with kid gloves on to sisters who double as our best friends.
To celebrate these amazing individuals, social mobile app WeChat rolls out a surprise just in time for Women's History Month observed throughout March and International Women's Day commemorated during March 8. Read on as we recount the many personalities of the ladies in your lives and help you match each one with WeChat's new set of stickers available via its Sticker Shop.
Miss Sweetness Alive

Refined in nature and as charming as the female protagonists in children's storybooks and just like my grandmother, these women are built with warmth and without a single b|tch bone in their bodies. Their innate ability to make others feel comfortable makes them the go-to people for sound pieces of advice and just about any conversation that hits close to home. Spot them on WeChat Moments sharing quick DIY posts or motivational photos for everyone's dose of TLC.
Miss Live Wire

These are the alpha females, the go-getters, and the starters whose prowess to soldier on often wins the day. Born with equal amounts of energy and blood pumping in their veins, they are the epitome of this year's theme for International Women's Day: Inspiring Change. An ideal match for this group's get-up-and-go attitude is WeChat's Group Chat feature, which lets them rally multiple contacts and circles--up to 100 people in two chat groups--in one go.
Miss Get Happy

Radical in the way they act and always able to churn out inventive thoughts, this group is comprised of people who never fail to raise spirits up with their lightheartedness, infectious laughter, and sunny disposition. In the spirit of painting the town happy, this bunch can count on WeChat to easily surprise friends through picker-uppers in the form of Hold-to-Talk voice notes and video calls. The Miss Get Happy in my life is definitely my mother.
Miss Atlas Trouper

Ever mobile and fueled by a growing range of influences, these women are the natural wanderers of the world. Breaking through boundaries is where it's at for these folks and hitting the road is their way of responding to their internal quests. Easily detectable, atlas troupers are the first ones to use WeChat's location-sharing and discovery features such as Shake, Friend Radar, and People Nearby to mark their lives' checkpoints while looping in their social groups.
Cheers to all the incredible women who make this world a better place! Happy Women's History Month, everyone!