Gmail Basics: Show Unread Emails Only

Carlo S. DM'd TechPinas this question via Twitter a while ago:
"TP, Gmail sidebar keeps showing that I have this 1 unread email - I tell you, that digit just sticks out like a sore thumb! Ugh. And here's the thing: I don't have any unread email in the first 3-4 pages of my inbox. I know though that it's just somewhere in my inbox buried under a pile of read emails. TP, how do I 'command' Gmail to show me that 1 unread email? I don't want to spend too much time looking for it. Please help me find it. Thanks!"


Hi Carlo! Chill. :) Let's track that rogue email!

To see that 1 unread email, all you have to do is to type in this query:

label:unread in:inbox

... at the Gmail search box. This query will show you only the unread emails in your account.

That's it!

PS: Let me what happens once you meet the culprit face to face. Hehe.

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