Twitter Revamps Followers, Following Page - Adds Actions Tab
If you haven't noticed it yet, Twitter - The leading microblogging site in the world today - has just revamped its users' Followers and Following pages.
Basically, from merely showing a list of names with icons plus follow or block tabs, users now have 2 viewing options: List and Expanded. Check them out:

List is not too different from the previous interface save for the new cog (Actions) tab on the right side, which I will explain later.

The new Expanded look option shows Users location and latest Tweets - a nice touch really, for quick viewing; So you won't have to click on individual profiles just to check the latest entries.
Here's a closer look at expanded profiles on the Followers/Following page:

There. The user location plus the latest tweet.
And check out the Actions Tab (with the cog)! It expands with a click showing 4 action options:
Mention, Direct Message, Unfollow and Block. Isn't that neat?
Twitter, Two Thumbs up!
[photo credit: Twitter]
Basically, from merely showing a list of names with icons plus follow or block tabs, users now have 2 viewing options: List and Expanded. Check them out:
LIST interface
List is not too different from the previous interface save for the new cog (Actions) tab on the right side, which I will explain later.
Expanded interface
The new Expanded look option shows Users location and latest Tweets - a nice touch really, for quick viewing; So you won't have to click on individual profiles just to check the latest entries.
Here's a closer look at expanded profiles on the Followers/Following page:
There. The user location plus the latest tweet.
And check out the Actions Tab (with the cog)! It expands with a click showing 4 action options:
Mention, Direct Message, Unfollow and Block. Isn't that neat?
Twitter, Two Thumbs up!
[photo credit: Twitter]
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