What is Google or Blogger's Nameserver (For Custom Domain Use in Blogger) ?

Jesse E. DM'd TP this question via Twitter :
"TP, I was trying to use a custom domain name that I have as address for my new Blogger account. The thing is, my domain name provider is asking for 2 name servers that neither Google nor Blogger seems to have. What do I do? Where can I find Google's nameservers? Thanks."


Jesse, Google does not offer any kind of DNS management, so it does NOT provide name servers. Quit the search.

To use a custom domain for your Blogger blog, here's what you do:

1. In Blogger Dashboard, go to Publishing section under Settings Tab.

2. Type in your custom domain in the first box complete with the www prefix. Check the redirect box under it.

3. Save Blogger Settings.

4. Log in to your domain registry account (GoDaddy, ProserverHosting etc.).

5. Enter your domain settings.

6. If you are using GoDaddy or any similar domain registry, use the PARKED DOMAIN name servers or any default nameservers that GoDaddy (or ProServerHosting, etc..) offers.

7. Go to Total DNS (or just DNS) Settings, type in IP Address as ARecord (@)

8. and ghs.google.com as CNAME (for www)

9. Save Domain registry settings.

That's it. Simple. :)

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1 comment:

  1. When I went to godaddy today to register a custom domain, it asked me to put at least two nameservers if I want my new domain to be hosted elsewhere, do you know what are the nameservers for blogger hosting?


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