Intel Core i3 vs. Core i5 : Mobile Arrandale Processors Benchmarks Comparison

Laptops running on Intel Core i3 M processors like Asus K52JR, Asus K42JR, Acer Aspire 4740G, Lenovo G460 and Fujitsu LifeBook LH530 have just been released.

Curious to know how Intel Core i3 M performance compares against that of the earlier released Intel Core i5 M processor? Here's the battle of the Arrandale processors.

Here's a comparative chart showing their respective Passmark scores:

Passmark measures the overall processing power of a CPU in rendering Mathematical operations, compression, encryption, SSE and 3DNow instructions, among so others. Simply put, it's an all-in-one benchmarks test.

The chart shows that it's quite a tight match with Core i5 Mobile having a bit of an edge over Core i3 Mobile.

Both Core i3 and Core i5, along with Core i7, have a Nehalem microarchitecture. Intel introduced this new naming scheme for its Core processors, which no longer corresponds to specific technical features like the number of cores but reflects power categories from low-level (i3), through mid-range (i5) to high-end (i7). Core i3 M and Core i5 M are based on Arrandale, the mobile version of the Core Clarkdale desktop processor.

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