Naruto Manga 488 SCANS Spoiler CONFIRMED, Predictions, Reviews

Disclaimer for all Naruto posts applies.

Credits : Ohana @ 2ch
Verification : Confirmed
Translation : Yagami1211


大名『”暁”は尾獣を持っている これ以上 手をこまねいている場合ではない!』
大名『だが… 忍連合軍… …忍に力を持たせ過ぎて後々やっかいになったらどうする?』

土大名『水大名… そんなに自国の忍が信用できないのか まずは…』

モニター通信の人『あの~そろそろ決断していただかないと… 蓄電池がなくなりそうなんで…』

488 それぞれの里へ

土大名『土もだ 前に同じ』
風大名『風も同じく 承認する』
火大名『いいんでないかえ うん…火も承認』
水大名 顔濁しながら『分かった 水も承認する』

モニター室の人 『これをもって…忍連合軍の結成が承認されました
モニターを録画 私 天画が これらの承認となります』

火大名『では… 木の葉へすぐに連絡するがよい』

寝てる リー キバ サイ 赤丸
ナルト『サクラちゃんが大変だったってのに 何気持ちよさそうに寝てんだ…コイツら!?』
カカシ『サクラ… こいつらは協力しようとした 起こしてやってそれからちゃんと謝っておけよ 』
ナルト、リーの隣に行き ナルト『う~~~ったく』
サクラ『ナルト… それは私のせいなの だから…なるべく優しく…』

カリン『…つかナルトがこうなったのも サクラ…だっけか? …お前の毒のせいだろ』
カカシ(気持ちよさそうに寝てやがる ナルトの奴何か吹っ切れたようだな)


水下忍『おかえりなさいませ 水影様
青『聞こう この場で話せ』


キバ『ナルトにはペラペラサイが喋っちまってるし あげくにサスケには逃げられてんじゃねーか よ』
ナルト『キバ!男のくせにぐちぐち うるせーってばよ』
キバ『ずっと ぐちぐちしてたのは てめーの方だろナルト!』
サイ『それは言えてますね 単純で頭が悪いわりに考えすぎてましたからね』
リー『アハハハ なんか昔のナルトくんにもどったみたいですね』
キバ『成長してねーって事だろ! バカはバカ!』
カリン(…こいつ… サスケとは正反対だな… こいつのチャクラは…すごく…
明るくて 温かい…)

カリン『ゾクッ』(何コレ!?…さらに奥に…こんなチャクラを!! 暗い…!これはまるで…)


カカシ サイ ナルト『!』
根1『サイ 何があったか色々説明してもらうぞ』
サイ『先輩方も気付いてる通りです… 我々を縛っていたダンゾウ様の呪印が消えてる理由…』
サイ『ハイ…! ですから…”根”のこの先について先輩方と話し合いを持ちたいと考えています
ここにいる… 新しい火影 はたけカカシさんと』

忍1『シズネ… まさか…』

シカマル『テンテンの言うとおりだ…ナルト お前一人のわがままに付き合っていられない
キバ『帰ってきてから詳しく話すっつーから 何を言うかと思えば!
シカマル『おい…ナルト お前まさか… 一人でやるって言っときながらサスケを庇うってんじゃねーだろーな 』
ネジ『五影会談… ダンゾウとやってそこまで弱ったサスケなら なんで一気に片をつけなかった ?』
サクラ『マダラもいたし! そんなに簡単な感じじゃなかった… それに』
キバ『だからって みすみす逃がす事はねーだろ!
ナルト…お前は強えーんだぜ ペインぶっ倒した英雄ってやつだろーが! サスケなんか…』
ナルト『そうじゃねエ… そんなんで今のサスケは倒せねエんだ… それが分かった…』
ナルト『闘えるのは オレしかいねー… そういう意味なんだ』
ナルト『…言うべき時が来たら 言うってばよ』
サクラ(ナルト… 何を隠しているの…?)
サスケのナルトのお話合いを思い出す ナルト(オレとお前が戦えば… 二人とも死ぬ)


ホムラ『ダンゾウまでも… 優秀な奴ほど先に行きよる…』
コハル『こうなっては… 仕方ない… 私らはお前を火影に推す 同盟の砂からもお前にと推薦が あった』

大名『では はたけカカシ… お前を――』

大名『何だ!? 大事な会議の最中だぞ!』

ツナデ『シズネ… 痛い…!』若い元のツナデ

マダラ『当分は安静にしていろ… 万華鏡の場合はなじむまで時間がかかる… 痛むか?』
サスケ包帯ぐるぐる巻き『イヤ… しっくりきている…イタチの瞳力を感じる


Daimyou : Akatsuki haves Bijuus ! There’s no time for quarrel !
Daimyou : But this shinobi alliance ? If we let Ninjas haves too much power, we’re in for a lot of troubles.

Earth Country Daimyou : Water Daimyou ! You can’t even trust your own shinobi ? but first …

Monitor Guy : huh, please can you come to an agreement ? Our power battery is going to shut off.

488 : To each one of them his country.

Thunder Daimyou : Thunder Country agree with this !
Earth Daimyou : Us too, just like before.
Wind Daimyou : We agree too.
Fire Daimyou : Mmh, I guess we can give it a try, Fire agree.
Water Daimyou : Ok, I got it. Water agree.

Monitor Guy : Good. And with this, the meeting for the Shinobi alliance ends.

Fire Daimyou : Well … I should contact Konoha immediatly.

Meawhile …

Lee, Kiba, Sai and Akamaru sleeps.

Naruto : You have a whole lot of trouble and those guys are sleeping ?

Sakura : “Ha haha …”

Naruto : Hmm …

Kakashi : “Sakura …
Thoses guys agreed to help you. When they wake up, I want you to apologize properly, you hear me ?

Naruto goes to Lee.

Naruto : “Geez … you guys … ”

Sakura : “Naruto … It’s my fault they’re like this, so be cool and …”

Naruto : “I don’t feel good right now … :/”

Sakura : “Just go and sleep” *bitchslaps Naruto*

Karin : “And If Naruto is like this, Sakura that’s your name right ? Isn’t that because of the poison you made ?

Sakura is surprised !

Kakashi ( Yeah, they’re having a beauty sleep, But I think Naruto is misunderstaning something here )

Back to the summit

Suna dude : Lord Kazekage is here !

Temari : Do we got the plan from Himaru ? ( Not really sure here )
Jounin : Yes

Kankuro : And the message from the Daimyou ?

Water Jounin : Did you had a good trip, Lord Kazekage ?
We received a message from the Daimyou.

Ao : Talk.

Akatsuchi : What this soon ?
Kurotsuchi : The Daimyous talked about Madara and the Bijuus ! The decision to team up to stop them wasn’t long.”

Back to Naruto

Kiba : “To think I was the one who found Sasuke …”

Naruto : “Come on, stop getting pissed, Kiba.”

Sakura listen
Kiba : “Stop trying to act all high and mighty will ya ?”
Kiba : “Aren’t you the one who let Sasuke run after I found him ???”
Naruto : “You’re all talk but no action ! despite being from Konoha !”
Kiba : “What the … ! I should be the one saying that to you Naruto !”
Sai : “Now you said it ! To put it simply he’s just stupid because he thinks too much.”
Naruto : “Sai !! You sucker ! And you’re laughing !”
Sai :”Why, thank you !”
Lee : Ahhhhhhaaaaa ! It looks like the Old Naruto-kun is back !
Kiba : “He means you never grew up ! A sucked is a sucker !”
Naruto : “Kiba, you sunovab …”

Karin : “This guy … is the exact opposite of Sasuke. His chakra is … cheerful and warm …”
“What the ? What’s this dark and sinister chakra inside him … it’s almost like …”

3 roots guys comes.

Kakashi, Sai and Naruto are surprised.

Root guy : “Sai ! What happened ? Explains !”
Naruto : “Who’re those guys ?”
Kakashi : “Some guys of the Anbu Roots.”
Sai : “Senpai ! As you probably figured out. Our Cursed Seal from Danzou-sama disappeared. This means …”
Root : “He died ?!”
Sai : “Yes. So I have things to discuss with you senpais. Here is our now Hokage, Hatake Kakashi and …”

Shizune : “Tsunade-sama !!!”
Shizune sense Tsunade’s heartbeat.
Medic : “What the ?”
Nin : “No, it can’t be.”

Tenten : What ? Kill Sasuke alone ? We would never had aknowledged such a thing.”
Shikamaru : “Tenten is right, Naruto. You were selfish here. Sasuke is the whole village’s problem.”
Kiba : “You know, we were prepared to kill Sasuke together. We had the resolve.”
Naruto : “I wasn’t selfish !”
Shikamaru : “Tell me Naruto ! You said you wanted to deal with him alone but … you wanted to cover him, right ?”
Sakura : “…”
Naruto : “I didn’t wanted to cover him at all !”
Neji : “The Kage Summit ! Sasuke was weakened after his fight with Danzou, Why didn’t you finished him in one shot ?”
Sakura : “Madara was here ! You talk like it would have been easy to deal.”
Kiba :”Even so … He was just in front of you ! Naruto you’re strong !
You’re the hero who defeated freakin’ Pain ! Someone like Sasuke should …”
Naruto : “That’s not it ! Sasuke will not back down with that … ( Inside him too there’s … )

Chouji : “What do you mean ?”

Naruto : “Anyway … You mustn’t fight with him.”
Neji : “?”
Naruto : “It’s my responsability to fight him and no one else’s”
Sakura : “!”
Neji : “What happened ? explain !”
Naruto : “When the time comes, I will tell.”

Sakura : ( What are you hiding, Naruto ? ) Then she remembers what Naruto said to Sasuke.

Naruto : “Okay. I’m hungry. I’m going to Ichiraku.”

Then we see Homura and Koharu.

Homura : “Even Danzou … He was an excellent shinobi …”
Koharu : “We must right now select a new Hokage !
Homura : “About the Ninja alliance too … we must have a new Hokage !”
Koharu : “Well then, we have no choice. We support you to become Hokage, Suna already voted for you.”
Kakashi : “My resolve is unbreakable.”

Daimyou : “Well, then … Hatake Kakashi … you’re …”

Genin : “Excuse me !”

Kakashi : “!”

Daimyou : “What ? This a serious metting here.”

Genin : “Yes, and I have something as much serious to tell.”

Shizune in tears come into the meeting with a Medic Ninja !

Shizune : “Tsunade-samaaaaaa !”

Medic : “Thank god !”

Tsunade : “Shizune … It hurts …” Tsunade is back to her young self.

Back to Madara

Madara : “Take a good rest. Transplanting Mangeyou takes time, does it hurt ?”

Sasuke haves bandages all over his face.

Sasuke : “No … ! It’s coming nicely. I can feel Itachi’s eyes. I can sense I’m stronger, now.”


Credits : Ohana @ 2ch
Translation : 火影ナルト






カカシ、ホムラ 大名でお話合い。




each nation daimyo join a meeting about allied forces. (meeting monitor)
each nation kage return

sakura and karin make friends

konoha anbu come before naruto
in that moment kabuto is there. (karin feels a creepy chakra)
everyone meets together for conference

kakashi, homura conference with daimyou

tsunade’s eyes open!!
shizune cries in delight

sasuke, itachi’s eyes transplantation completed
there, that’s it for this week folks!


Translation :
part 1, will add the rest later :
Daimyou : Akatsuki haves Bijuus ! There’s no time for quarrel !
Daimyou : But this shinobi alliance ? If we let Ninjas haves too much power, we’re in for a lot of troubles.
Earth Country Daimyou : Water Daimyou ! You can’t even trust your own shinobi ? but first …
Monitor Guy : huh, please can you come to an agreement ? Our power battery is going to shut off.
488 : To each one of them his country.
Thunder Daimyou : Thunder Country agree with this !
Earth Daimyou : Us too, just like before.
Wind Daimyou : We agree too.
Fire Daimyou : Mmh, I guess we can give it a try, Fire agree.
Water Daimyou : Ok, I got it. Water agree.
Monitor Guy : Good. And with this, the meeting for the Shinobi alliance ends.
Fire Daimyou : Well … I should contact Konoha immediatly.
Meawhile …
Lee, Kiba, Sai and Akamaru sleeps.
Naruto : You have a whole lot of trouble and those guys are sleeping ?
Sakura : “Ha haha …”
Naruto : Hmm …
Kakashi : “Sakura …
Thoses guys agreed to help you. When they wake up, I want you to apologize properly, you hear me ?
Naruto goes to Lee.
Naruto : “Geez … you guys … ”
Sakura : “Naruto … It’s my fault they’re like this, so be cool and …”
Naruto : “I don’t feel good right now … :/”
Sakura : “Just go and sleep” *bitchslaps Naruto*
Karin : “And If Naruto is like this, Sakura that’s your name right ? Isn’t that because of the poison you made ?
Sakura is surprised !
Kakashi ( Yeah, they’re having a beauty sleep, But I think Naruto is misunderstaning something here )
Suna dude : Lord Kazekage is here !
Temari : Do we got the plan from Himaru ? ( Not really sure here )
Jounin : Yes
Kankuro : And the message from the Daimyou ?
Water Jounin : Did you had a good trip, Lord Kazekage ?
We received a message from the Daimyou.
Ao : Talk.
Akatsuchi : What this soon ?
Kurotsuchi : The Daimyous talked about Madara and the Bijuus ! The decision to team up to stop them wasn’t long.”
Back to Naruto
Kiba : “To think I was the one who found Sasuke …”
Naruto : “Come on, stop getting pissed, Kiba.”
Sakura listen
Kiba : “Stop trying to act all high and mighty will ya ?”
Kiba : “Aren’t you the one who let Sasuke run after I found him ???”
Naruto : “You’re all talk but no action ! despite being from Konoha !”
Kiba : “What the … ! I should be the one saying that to you Naruto !”
Sai : “Now you said it ! To put it simply he’s just stupid because he thinks too much.”
Naruto : “Sai !! You sucker ! And you’re laughing !”
Sai :”Why, thank you !”
Lee : Ahhhhhhaaaaa ! It looks like the Old Naruto-kun is back !
Kiba : “He means you never grew up ! A sucked is a sucker !”
Naruto : “Kiba, you sunovab …”
Karin : “This guy … is the exact opposite of Sasuke. His chakra is … cheerful and warm …”
“What the ? What’s this dark and sinister chakra inside him … it’s almost like …”

Read Naruto Manga 487 HERE.

In the meantime, here are some well-written predictions for Naruto Manga 488:

Written by: The Special One

-Preparations for War

[Kabuto invades the hidden Waterfall Village. What is he planning?]

(The three shinobi that were restrained by Kabuto’s snakes, dies… Kabuto then tosses their bodies across the pavement and withdraws his snakes.)

Kabuto: Now, to find this village’s leader… After I kill him, I will convince the Damiyou of this country to make me this village’s leader. He, he, he… And with the experimental subjects, and all of Orochimaru-sama’s bases under my direct command, I can put up quite the resistance here… No one will interfere with my projects.

Kabuto (in thought): I will surpass Orochimaru-sama… I will continue his research and take his studies further than he could ever hope to… There are still unsolved mysteries surronding jutsu… I must solve them all… I must… I’ll need more than a life time, several times more… Chakra consumption for jutsu, handseals for molding jutsu, how long it takes to learn jutsu based off the individual’s skill level, and the complications of implanting bloodline based jutsu into subjects…

There are so many equations, so many possible outcomes… There must be potentially thousands of combinations. I must know all of the equations… I must know the true extent to jutsu’s growth. That is the only way to surpass Orochimaru-sama….

(Kabuto makes a grin, and then a long prehensile tongue sags out of his mouth, much like Orochimaru’s did. The scene switches over to Konoha. Shikaku, Kakashi, and Shikamaru walks out of the Konoha hospital shack and into the streets of the village.)

Kakashi: It seems Madara was tight-lipped… We didn’t get anything we didn’t already know out of her…

Shikaku: Although, I wish things could have gone better, it’s good to see that you’ve come out on top as the Hokage… We sure as hell didn’t want that old hound calling the shots….

Shikamaru: Is it true that Sasuke took care of Danzou too? Mannn… That guy’s becoming a real handful… It’s getting harder and harder to relate with Naruto after hearing that. But I heard Sakura contributed to a lot of confusion… Gosh, women are so-… (Shikaku punches him.)

Shikaku: Watch what you speak!

Shikamaru: I’m just sayin! Geesh!

Kakashi: Shikamaru… Considering you worked well for Tsunade, and Shizune is tasked with overseeing Sakura’s training, I was wondering if you’d help me with the paper work, security checking, and battlefield plans that I need help with… I know you’re more than capable…

Shikamaru: *sigh* What a drag… (Shikaku places his hand on Shikamaru’s shoulder.)

Shikaku: Do it son… It’s not like we go to war every day, or something…

Shikamaru: Gee, thanks dad… You make it seem like that’s some sort of thing to get excited over.

(The scene switches over to Danzou’s lair underground… Hyou is giving a speech to his fellow Root, who fills the chamber.)

Hyou: We have just received word of Danzou-sama’s unfortunate passing. It was done by the hands of Uchiha Sasuke! (The crowd is in uproar. Sai can also be seen in the crowd somewhere… The panel focuses on Sai [he has his mask on, like all the rest].)

Sai (in thought): Danzou, dead… Is that even possible? But by Sasuke no less… I’m sorry Naruto… I’m unsure if I can help you this time… Not when my unit wants revenge… (The panel focuses back on Hyou.)

Hyou: WE WILL KEEP CALM! THIS IS NOT THE WAY ROOT BEHAVES. (The crowd silences.) Good. We have not received word on the condition of Fuu and Torune… We will also assume the worst for them… As always, we work in the dark… We will not conform to the Hokage’s orders… We will have our revenge on Uchiha Sasuke… But, we will do it discreetly, to avoid any conflict with the public. This meeting will be adjourned.

(The Scene switches over to the Sakura and Shizune’s location. They are somewhere out in the fields.)

Shizune: You are going to be needed more than ever in this situation. As a medical ninja, you will be on the field saving lives… You may also have to escort the wounded to recovery platforms quickly.

Sakura: I know, I understand…

Shizune: For that reason, it is really important that you refine your medical ninjutsu… I’m not Tsunade, but I can surely help you in that that regard…

Sakura: Yes, I understand. (She pictures Tsunade. The Scene switches over to another open field. Two of Naruto’s Shadow clones can be seen gathering natural energy… Two other shadow clones can be seen fighting each other. A short distance away, the real Naruto is sweating a little.)

Naruto (in thought): I have to keep trying… And keep my concentration… (Naruto makes the ram handseal and instantly goes into the 4th tailed state, but just the cloak, not the bloody, beastly form. Soon Yamato drops in from behind.)

Yamato: So that’s what I was feeling… (4 tailed Naruto turns around to face Yamato.)

Naruto: Yamato Sensei? (Naruto falls out of the 4th tailed state and falls on his ass. He begins to sweat.)

Yamato: Looks like you’ve gotten the hang of it a little.

Naruto: I can only take it this far while keeping control… Damn it!

Yamato: How about I help you out?…

Naruto: But aren’t you tasked with fixing up the village? I don’t want to be a burden…

Yamato: Nahh, it’s fine and I’m on break… I actually kind of miss these days…

Naruto: Sensei…

(The scene switches over to outside the Akatuski base… Sasuke is standing in the fields… The ground around him has smoke rising up from it. Madara appears behind him.)

Madara: You’ve been practicing for a while now… You’ve most certainly taken a liking to them…

(Sasuke turns around; his Mangekyou is a mixture of Itachi and his own patterns.)

Sasuke: Konoha will be crushed… And most of all, him… (Madara’s eye rises with excitement. The scene switches over to Mizugakure… Insider her office, she sits at the desk (the door flies open, and several mysterious figures’ shadows can be seen.) brought to you by

Mizukage: The sevenmist swordsmen. Perfect, our formations will revolve around you… (The scene switches over to Sunagakure… Gaara is having an audience with one division of shinobi troops [who are plentiful].)

Gaara: This division is tasked with the protection of the two hosts. You’re top priority is to barricade Uzumaki Naruto and the Hachibi of Kumogakure… Don’t let a single attack get through… I’m certain the other hidden villages will provide us with support in that regard…

Next Time: With war waging on, the hidden villages gathers their forces…

Written by: Rabbit9

First Kabuto and Anko: Kabuto will decide to fight Sasuke first. His search will be interrupted by Anko. They will have a Snake fight. The guy Danzo sent will watch from the sidelines. Anko will be beaten to an inch of her life and Kabuto will leave her to die in a twisted show of respect for Orochimaru’s student. Danzo’s henchmen will consider killing her but since Danzo is dead he decides he doesn’t have to follow that order and saves her instead, returning her to Konoha.

Sasuke: He takes Itachi’s eyes. The first person he fights against afterwards is Kabuto. Kabuto will seem to own him then Sasuke will pull out his new uber hax and bye bye Kabuto. Or so it seems. Being this is Orochimaru who never dies, some weakened form will escape.

Suigetsu and Juugo: They will escape from the land of Iron. Suigetsu will hear about Kisame being defeated by Cloud ninja and head to the cloud village. Jugo will go to Konoha to find Karin because he thinks she knows where Sasuke is.

Karin: She will decide to help Naruto defeat Sasuke. She will either tell him some secret about Sasuke or give him a power-up (more healing powers or hone his chakra sensing or maybe she’s just the right person to teach him chakra control). When Jugo finds Karin he’ll also find Naruto who will talk no jutsu him to his side.

Naruto will do a little training but it will be interrupted by the appearance of Mist Ninja who will request Naruto to meet with the Mizukage who wants to size him up (and not in that way!). Team 8 (Hinata, Kiba, Shino), with Neji leading will accompany him as they will investigate Ao. The rest of Team Gai will be sent to the Cloud Village and will arrive just in time to screw up Kisame’s plans.

Naruto’s group will be intercepted by Rock Anbu and Naruto will be captured. Neji and Team 8 will make it to the Mist Village. The Mizukage, recalling Gaara’s remarks about Naruto will send a message to the Sand and send Chōjūrō with Neji and Team 8 to the Rock Village. Garra will send Kankuro.

Kakashi will drown in Hokage business and Sakura will stand there and watch.

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