Facebok Login : A Powerful Keyword

In the world of SEO, only a fool would underestimate the power of misspellings.

Case in point: FaceBOK

Diversity in world languages and almost-similar vowel phonetic sounds make sure that thousands of search engine users from across the globe fall for the totally honest mistake -- daily.

Here's the regional interest list for Facebok query for period covering January-August 2010:

1. Albania 100
2. Bosnia and Herzegovina 78
3. Turkey 71
4. Macedonia 46
5. Croatia 40
6. Colombia 32
7. Venezuela 30
8. Slovenia 26
9. Bolivia 22
10. Chile 21

And here's the one for Facebok Login

1. Croatia 100
2. Bosnia and Herzegovina 93
3. Malaysia 38
4. Indonesia 38
5. Slovenia 36
6. Ireland 35
7. South Africa 24
8. United Kingdom 23
9. Italy 22
10. Sweden 22

According to SEOBook, the overall daily search estimate for Facebok query is 8,095.

Interesting. Let's see how this entry performs on the search engines.

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